🔴 Rocks, Life, And Pictures
I want to share a thought I had while looking out into the Pacific Ocean on Malibu Beach in California.
I took some time off during a work trip to L.A.
During this particular beach trip, I was searching for a unique-looking rock as a keepsake to remember the trip.
The thought I had goes something like this:
Life is like searching for rocks at the beach.
The waves crash, pushing rocks ashore.
Then, the wave retracts, dragging the rocks back into the ocean.
This cycle of pushing and pulling will happen for millions of years.
Now and then, the waves are so powerful that they push many rocks onto the beach.
For a brief moment, the rocks are right there for the taking. But you have to act quickly, as another wave will soon come and drag the rocks back into the ocean, never to be seen again.
There’s nothing you can control about the rocks that wash ashore.
You can only control:
Where you stand
What you look at.
You are at the complete discretion of what the ocean pushes your way.
This is similar to life.
So much of life is out of your control.
But you can control two things.
Where You Stand
It’s not just about where you choose to live. It’s also who you choose to hang out with. Where you choose to work. The online communities you spend time in.
For example, are you spending more time than you’d like playing video games? Or spending too much time on Twitter or TikTok watching things that are bringing your consciousness and worldview down?
This is part of choosing where to stand.
Opportunities wash ashore all the time, but where you’ve chosen to stand may mean these making these opportunities are out of reach.
That doesn’t mean they’re out of reach forever.
You can always choose to stand in a better position.
What You Look At
What you look at is basically the lens in which you view the world.
If you’re looking for the bad in life, you’ll find it.
If you’re looking for the good, you’ll find it.
All of us see the world how we want to see it.
That process often happens subconsciously.
If you don’t like what you see every day, it’s time to change what you look at or where you stand.
And that’s pretty much my thought from the beach.
I also got to spend some time with my camera, which I’m excited about.
It’s been years since I’ve had a traditional DSLR camera and I got to take pictures of the incredible California landscape.
I also got a few shots from the plane of the Southwestern desert.
Who knows, maybe I’m working on getting some proper prints available for purchase 🤔
That’s all I’ve got for you this week. Thank you for reading.
Let’s become better versions of ourselves for us and for the people closest to us.