I’ve been feeling uninspired to create content over the past two weeks, and I’ve been beating myself up over it.
I’ve felt unproductive with my personal brand and the other handful of social media projects I’m involved in.
It’s ok to have a bad week or two. That’s normal.
Our lives as creators, business owners, HUMANS… are volatile and some weeks are better than others.
But we need to be realistic and accountable to ourselves and others.
My lack of motivation wasn’t random. It was a clear case of negative self-talk.
I was avoiding some external commitments I made, and because I was avoiding them, I felt bad. To make myself feel better, I distracted myself with short-term fun via TV and video games, which made me feel worse about myself.
But the real answer is simple.
We don’t need a break from creating. We need a break from distraction.
The only way through the rut is by doing the no-fun thing we’re putting off (ie: taxes, a freelance commitment, a social commitment, tidying a room).
This is where self-awareness comes into play.
I notice that when I’m feeling uninspired, unmotivated, or have negative self-talk, I avoid doing laundry until I’m on my very last pair of clean socks.
When I see the laundry piling up, I know that I’m avoiding some larger mental health issues and I need to assess my habits over the last week.
To identify the root of avoidance, we can start by asking ourselves some questions.
Did I do anything this week that made me feel bad about myself?
Am I experiencing external pressure via deadlines or expectations?
Did I compare myself to another person who seems to be “ahead”?
Is self-care being prioritized?
Did I seek support or communicate my feelings to others?
Did I set unrealistic expectations for myself?
Asking these questions can help us find the root of negative self-talk.
Once we identify the root of negative self-talk, our job is to get some positive momentum through small wins.
You can completely change your mindset within a few hours by getting a handful of small wins in a row.
Small wins could be…
Tidying up your space
Doing your laundry
Meal prepping
Eating healthy
Having a good conversation with a friend
Letting your feelings out with a loved one
Saying no to a commitment that doesn’t serve you
Walking outside with no screens or headphones
Doing some (or all) of the things listed above is sure to fill your motivation to the brim.
I will be doing many of them this week to get some momentum and get back into the swing of things!
I was feeling very unmotivated and uninspired to write this newsletter.
I jotted down a ton of thoughts onto the page Saturday afternoon, hoping one would jump out at me as the answer to What the hell am I gonna write this week?
I remember telling myself Just be honest. Being honest in my content has always led to other creators telling me they needed to hear.
We’re all humans living a human experience. Everything can’t be perfect.
I thought I was a hypocrite for not having anything interesting to say in my newsletter about how to make interesting content, but the truth was I had to undistract myself and face what I had been avoiding.
The process of writing this newsletter uncovered what exactly I had been avoiding and directly helped me to complete the task and move on.
Thank you for reading. I hope this helped one person through an uninspiring time.
Allowing yourself to be vulnerable adds to the authenticity of being on this journey with you.