This morning I want to review a new AI image creation tool, a ChatGPT use case, and a personal journal entry.
AI Tools
DragGAN is a concept that lets you edit images by dragging parts of the image. It’s especially useful for taking an existing image and changing the angle of objects.
There isn’t a demo for you to play around with it now, however, I envision Photoshop adding a similar feature in less than 18 months.
I’m sharing this with you now so you can see a great use case of AI images that don’t require any technical knowledge. And understand that interesting uses that never crossed our paths will continue popping up.
The GitHub is here if you’d like to stay up to date when the code drops in June
ChatGPT Saved My Ass This Weekend
This weekend I worked a conference called VeeCon. My job was to interview attendees for a fun video compiling the best answers.
To get good answers, you need good questions. I thought the questions I came to the conference with were good, but when it was game time, I realized my questions were boring. With only a couple of minutes left to prepare, I had to pivot fast.
My brain went blank. No ideas were flowing. It’s as if I had never asked a question in my life. In a pinch, I decided to lean on my friend ChatGPT to generate some interesting questions.
Here’s the prompt I gave ChatGPT to generate my interview questions, along with the 20 questions it generated.
Note that even in the prompt, you could tell I was in a rush, using a few redundant words and leaving a typo or two. I had it generate 20 so I could hand-pick my favorites.
I especially liked the questions “What’s the most unusual thing in your wallet or purse right now” & “If you could create an NFT out of any moment of your life, which one would it be?”
I then asked it to generate 10 more, resulting in 5 solid questions I wrote down on a piece of paper and filmed with minutes later. This process led to one of my favorite moments of the weekend, interviewing the chillest grandma in the world.
I’m happy to say I filmed, edited, and posted it within two hours of the interview taking place. Speed of execution really matters. It’s now at 133,000 views on IG :)
Personal Notes
I’m going to be transparent. Over the last 30 days, this newsletter has taken a backseat in my priorities. You may have been able to tell by the minimal AI updates recently. I’ll say it again - This newsletter was never promised to be all about AI. This newsletter will always be a closer look into what I’m interested in at the moment. Just as we call musicians ‘musicians,’ we should remember that humans are much more complex than a single word that sums up their existence on this Earth.
At VeeCon, I have a lot of friends I’ve made through the community. Many people I’ve never met recognized me from content I’ve made through ONE37pm & on my personal IG and Twitter under the username @ezrawithacamera and said hello.
Meeting people who know many things about you is always interesting while you’re only learning their names.
Someone came up to me and said, ‘I love your Instagram Stories; it feels like I know you.”
That’s one of the best compliments I’ve got in my life. In the world of social media, I think it’s important to give people a glimpse into your real life so they can relate to it and realize that I’m just as human as them. I hope people can take the parts that relate to their lives and improve their own. Not to mention, getting people to know your likes, dislikes, and interests also creates business opportunities.
Helping people through my interests and learnings while shining a light on real-life lessons and situations is the goal of this newsletter.
Last week, I shared some of my friend’s work because I like them and think they are somebody you should know before they make it big in their careers. If you haven’t given them a chance by clicking on their social profiles, I encourage you to do that. Just because it wasn’t AI news doesn’t make it invaluable to your life.
Again, this newsletter will always have value to you. It’s up to you to recognize it and take action.
So, why has this newsletter taken a back seat? I’ve been homesick since moving to NYC 4 months ago, busy at work with the ONE37pm Key Launch and VeeCon preparation, thinking about my transition to helping VeeFriends Instagram, not to mention figuring out the dating scene in NYC lol.
The newsletter & AI news has taken a backseat because new priorities have popped up. With all those initiatives in my life, I am proud to say that I’ve never missed a Monday morning newsletter post at 7am EST since starting this thing on January 16th. After working the VeeCon conference tirelessly for three days, I barely had the energy to write this newsletter. Yet, all I had to do was sit down, open my laptop, and start writing.
I think that’s what I want to end this with.
I didn’t want to write today’s newsletter. I could’ve easily chosen just to get some much-needed rest. But I chose to write this to share my learnings with you and grow my personal brand.
Whatever that path is for you, all you need to do is start. Start today by thinking of what you want to get out of life in 2023, and just do one thing to get you closer.
For me, the actionable is approaching each day with curiosity. You could learn something profound at any moment in the day if you allow yourself the space to stay curious about someone or something. Then the only thing left to do is create something with that knowledge. And that creation doesn’t need to be a TikTok that gets millions of views. It could be something as simple as a text to a friend, a new recipe, a journal entry, or a new exercise routine.
Just start.