Do you feel like the universe has your back?
I do.
No matter what happens, things are always ok in the end.
That may sound delusional, but choosing to view life this way has worked for me so far.
Over the past few months, I realized I hadn’t been using my free time as efficiently as I would’ve liked. I struggled with the idea that simply relaxing was a good use of my time.
For the past six years, various obsessions have had a stronghold on my spare attention by default. I didn’t have to try to be interested in learning about crypto or creating things for social media in my free time.
To be honest with you, with AI & crypto nowadays, I need to try to stay interested.
One day I care deeply about the latest AI updates. Next, I care about how planets were formed hundreds of millions of years ago. Next, I’m learning how NASCAR drivers went pro because I’d love to race in some official NASCAR races one day.
I was worried that this rapid change in interest would damage my ‘personal brand’ and make people uninterested in either this newsletter or my social media.
If I’m constantly changing what I talk about, why would anyone listen?
And I ask myself, is that ok?
What a silly question to ask.
Of course, it’s ok to talk about a bunch of different things! That’s how my mind works. That’s the power of me being me and you being you. The world has enough people who are conforming to the traditional ways of living.
Let’s be the ones who unapologetically pursue what we’re interested in.
For me, my time here on Earth is about observing where my mind naturally wanders and guiding it when needed.
It’s as if my stream of consciousness is a dog, and I’m the dog walker. My mind sniffs around one seemingly random area, I observe and let it sniff it out for a bit, then I lightly tug it to move on to the next thing.
Of course, I don’t want to be complacent or revert to ways that are damaging to my physical or mental health. However, I think it’s good to let your mind and actions play a little bit.
I came to grips with my wandering interests once I viewed it as gathering a wide variety of knowledge and experience. Eventually, all the experiences I’ve had will culminate into a glaringly obvious way to spend the majority of my time and energy.
For now, I haven’t found that one thing.
And that’s ok.
The universe has your back.
I must give a gigantic shoutout to Sevspics for talking through this with me earlier in the week. He graciously gave me over an hour of my time to talk through his experiences, feeling the same way as me. He emphasized the importance of being an individual.
As he said, “There are a million Ezra’s looking for other Ezra’s to learn and grow with. Put yourself out there, and you’ll attract like-minded people.”
Thank you Sev.
100% agree with Sev! When I talk to people about you at some point I always say “... and I can’t wait to see what new topic he’s learning this week.” Learning new things and sharing your enthusiasm for it has always been a part of who you are. Personally that’s a big part of the appeal to this newsletter for me (among many other things) I just never know what neat things I’m going to learn from you each week. I love that it’s unexpected and fresh! Keep killin it out there man!